Thursday, December 5, 2024

Senators Welch and Manchin Introduce Bill to Cap Supreme Court Terms, Senator Lindsey Graham Opposes Proposal

By Matthew Vadum 

The bill would begin the constitutional amendment process which requires supermajority support in Congress and three quarters of the states for ratification

Two senators have introduced a proposed amendment to the U.S. Constitution that would impose term limits for members of the Supreme Court. 

The Supreme Court unanimously adopted a code of conduct in November 2023 governing the justices’ behavior.

The new resolution, introduced on Dec. 5 by Sens. Peter Welch (D-Vt.) [pictured here] and Joe Manchin (I-W.Va.), would limit newly appointed justices to 18 years on the bench, and lead to a new opening roughly every two years. To become effective, a constitutional amendment would have to be passed by a two-thirds majority of both houses of Congress and ratified by three-quarters of the states.

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Pregnancy Center Saved Me

By Jean Marie Davis, Opinion Contributor (pictured right)*

Not long ago, I stood before the Vermont Senate and testified about my experience as a human trafficking survivor who became the first black female pregnancy center director in the state.  

I had been asked to testify against a bill targeting pro-life pregnancy help centers, falsely claiming that we “mislead” the public about our services.  

But my story puts the lie to this narrative and proves the beautiful truth of our work — that pregnancy centers love, serve and commit ourselves to the men, women and children of our communities who need our help. We know firsthand how our assistance can transform someone’s life. 

Saturday, September 7, 2024

More People Going to Vermont to Die

Ever since Vermont removed its residency requirement for medical aid in dying last year [assisted suicide & euthanasia], Dr. Diana Barnard hasn’t been able to keep up with the phone calls from would-be patients.

"It can be hard. I have, like, three calls sitting on my phone right now," she said during a conversation at Porter Medical Center in Middlebury, (pictured here) where she works as a palliative care physician.